Convert a site-by-variable matrix into a SpatRaster or sf object
Convert a site-by-variable matrix into a SpatRaster or sf object
with a layer for every column in m
, or sf
data frame with
a variable for every column in m
, depending on the data type of template
ps <- moss()
to_spatial(ps$comm[, 1:5], ps$spatial)
#> class : SpatRaster
#> dimensions : 36, 31, 5 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution : 30000, 30000 (x, y)
#> extent : -375000, 555000, -630000, 450000 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : +proj=aea +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-120 +lat_1=34 +lat_2=40.5 +x_0=0 +y_0=-4000000 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs
#> source(s) : memory
#> varnames : clade1
#> Sphagnum_teres
#> clade2
#> ...
#> names : clade1, Sphagnum_teres, clade2, Sphagn~rrosum, clade3
#> min values : 0.000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000
#> max values : 0.996422, 0.5368522, 0.9961039, 0.6190746, 0.9961031