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The windscape package was designed to help users analyze the role of wind geography in spatial ecology. Wind strength and direction vary over space and time, influencing the transport dynamics of airborne particles like spores, pollen, seeds, and insects, and in turn shaping emergent biodiversity patterns such as landscape genetics, community composition, and species distributions.

The functions in windscape help you to download hourly wind rasters, convert them into a landscape connectivity graph, use the graph to estimate directional wind flows among sites of interest, and test the statistical relationships between these flows and your own ecological data. Each of these four steps is detailed in its own section below.

This package differs from other wind connectivity modeling frameworks like rWind in that it focuses not on a snapshot of wind conditions but on connectivity over longer time periods, integrating over many shorter, step-wise dispersal events that occur over time.

To get started, let’s load the windscape package, as well as tidyverse for its general utility:

Importing wind data

The input data for a windscape analysis is a time series of wind fields. A single wind field is a pair of raster layers, with values in each grid cell representing the u and v components of the local wind vector at one point in time. Because the modeling approach is designed to capture temporal variability in wind conditions, high-frequency time series data should be used; summaries like monthly, annual, or multi-year mean wind fields will probably give poor results. “Reanalysis” data sets, such as the CFSR, ERA5, and NARR, are great data sources as they comprise decades of hourly gridded wind data that give excellent representations of wind variability over space and time.

Depending on the study system, one might wish to model wind connectivity using a relatively short time frame of a few days or weeks, or to integrate over decades of wind conditions to more fully capture the variability of wind dynamics that shape ecological patterns over longer time frames. Users might also want to filter their input wind data by season, time of day, or temperature, in order to isolate wind conditions when their study species is likely to be airborne. windscape models are built using data for a single atmospheric layer, and vertical transport is not considered. In this vignette we’ll use data on near-surface (10 m) winds, but higher-altitude wind data could also be used.

Wind data can be downloaded from within R, or can be obtained separately and loaded into R. Let’s see an example of both approaches.

The function cfsr_dl() downloads hourly wind data from the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR). In the code below, we’ll import 10-m-level data for a chunk of North America for a sparse series of days distributed across a single summer. A real analysis would likely want a denser and/or longer time series. This example runs in a few minutes, but it could take hours or longer to download a more complete dataset. (Note that because this region is in the western hemisphere and CFSR uses longitudes in the 0-360 range, some shifty business is needed.)

wind <- cfsr_dl(variable = "wnd10m", years = 2000, months = 6:9, days = seq(1, 28, 3),
                xlim = c(-120, -90) + 360, # shift longitudes to be in [0, 360] range for CFSR
                ylim = c(30, 50)) %>%
      shift(dx = -360) # shift longitude back to the standard [-180, 180] range

Alternatively we can load wind data locally from disk (a more likely scenario for an actual analysis), using terra::rast(). The data set loaded below, which ships with the windscape package, is the same one downloaded by the example code above. We can see it’s a SpatRaster object with many layers, each a ‘u’ (east-west) or ‘v’ (north-south) component of the local wind vector for a particular date and time.

wind <- rast(system.file("extdata/cfsr_usa.tif", package = "windscape"))
#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 64, 96, 960  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 0.3157895, 0.3174603  (x, y)
#> extent      : -120.1579, -89.84211, 29.84127, 50.15873  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 
#> source      : cfsr_usa.tif 
#> names       : u 200~00:00, u 200~00:00, u 200~00:00, u 200~00:00, u 200~00:00, u 200~00:00, ... 
#> min values  :       -9.30,      -10.16,      -10.20,      -10.79,      -11.53,      -10.94, ... 
#> max values  :       10.42,       10.30,       10.32,       10.16,       10.01,        9.60, ...

Next we’ll convert these data into a formal wind field time series object of class wind_series, which is a SpatRaster of wind data meeting certain criteria. To do this, we need to tell it that our wind dataset has order = "uuvv", meaning all the u components come first, followed by all the v components; other data sets might have order = "uvuv". (It’s assumed that the order of the u’s is the same as the v’s, so we need to be confident of this based on knowledge of our data.) The wind_series() function creates this object:

series <- wind_series(wind, order = "uuvv")

Constructing a connectivity graph

In order to estimate wind flows among sites of interest, we need to first convert our big wind field time series into a directed connectivity graph representing the average wind flow between each grid cell and each of its eight “queen” neighbors. The steps in this process include summarizing the time series into a wind_rose raster object, optionally modifying the wind rose to incorporate non-wind factors influencing dispersal, and/or to increase its spatial resolution, and then converting this into a wind_graph transition object.

1: Creating a wind rose

A wind_rose object, constructed with the wind_rose() function, is a raster data set with eight layers, each of which represents long-term wind conductance in the direction of a neighboring cell. These conductance values are a function of the input data on wind speed and direction, adjusted for the curvature of the earth, distances to neighboring cells, and potential differences between x and y raster resolutions.

The main decision when creating a wind rose is the trans argument, which defines the transformation that turns wind speed into conductance strength. The default is trans = 1, which makes conductance proportional to wind speed – but alternatively, conductance can be made proportional to aerodynamic drag (speed^2) or to wind force (speed^3), can account for threshold speeds above which seed abscission is likely to occur, or can ignore speed entirely and consider only direction; see ?wind_rose for details.

After a local wind vector for a particular time step is transformed from speed to conductance, this conductance is allocated between a cardinal and semi-cardinal neighbor, in proportion to the angle and distance between the downwind direction and the directions of the two adjacent downwind neighbors. Conductance values are calculated for each individual time step in the wind field data set, and then averaged to produce the final wind rose object. If input speeds are in m/s and trans = 1, then the wind rose conductance values are in units of 1/hours.

Let’s covert our wind_field_ts into a wind_rose here. Plotting it, we see that is has 8 layers, one for wind connectivity in each semi-cardinal direction.

rose <- wind_rose(series, trans = 1)

2: Incorporationg non-wind dispersal barriers (optional)

In some cases, you may want to account for factors other than wind that influence connectivity across a landscape, by down-weighting conductance over cells that contain water, inhospitable terrain, or other dispersal barriers. To incorporate factors like this, we can use the weight_conductance() function to scale the values in our wind_rose. Weights are supplied as a raster layer with values between 0 and 1.

As an example, let’s downweight conductance by 90% in grid cells with open water. Large water bodies could reduce landscape genetic connectivity for wind-dispersed terrestrial organisms, since water can’t support the intermediate populations that help facilitate long-term gene flow across a landscape. In the example below, we’ll use the cfsr_dl_land() function to download a land-water raster layer corresponding to our CFSR wind data set, classify() its values to convert 0’s (water) to 0.1 while leaving 1’s (land) as is, and then use this weights layer to adjust our wind rose. Plotting the first layer of the modified wind rose, we can see ocean and lake areas in the southwest and northeast corners where conductance has been reduced:

weights <- cfsr_dl_land(xlim = c(-120, -90) + 360, ylim = c(30, 50)) %>% shift(dx = -360) %>%
      classify(matrix(c(0, .1), 1)) # change all 0's to 0.1
rose <- weight_conductance(rose, weights)

3: Adjusting spatial resolution

Next, we have to consider how the spatial resolution of our wind data relates to the distances among our study sites. The CFSR data we’re using in this example, like many comparable data sets, has a grid cell size of around ~30 km. This resolution will work well for estimating wind conductance among distant sites, but since windscape models estimate connectivity among the centers of the grid cells where sites occur (regardless of where in the cell the a site is located), estimates will be very noisy for sites separated by only a few cells, and will be impossible for sites in the same cell. We can check whether this is a problem using the check_cell_distance() function.

If it is a problem, we can address it by increasing the resolution of our data set using the downscale() function, which interpolates wind conductance data and adjusts the values to maintain the correct connectivity units. (Note that the wind_cost_distance() function, discussed below, can also make its own internal adjustments for cell-distance discrepancies, so downscaling is not the only solution.) Note that this downscaling process does not add more information; it just “smooths” the wind values. It fixes artifacts of the coarse resolution, but it does not account for any real fine-scale variation in wind dynamics that actually occurs within a grid cell due to factors like local terrain.

Importantly, while downscaling increases accuracy for nearby sites, it comes at a computational cost. Downscaling a wind rose by a factor of 10 will increase its size 100-fold, increasing memory usage and dramatically increasing processing time for the connectivity calculations discussed below. For many analyses, a compromise resolution can be used that balances accuracy and computational tractability. When this isn’t possible, the vrcd() function can be used to circumvent the trade-off; see the documentation for that function for more details.

As an example, let’s imagine we have a set of ten study sites. Here we’ll randomly generate spatial coordinates for their locations. Then we’ll check how our wind rose resolution will work for these sites:

sites <- cbind(x = runif(10, -115, -95),
               y = runif(10, 33, 47))

check_cell_distance(rose, sites)
#> Loading required package: geosphere
#> Total point pairs: 45
#> Point pairs in the same grid cell: 0 (0%)
#> Distribution of cell-point distance discrepancies:
#>  0--1%: 21 (46.7%)
#>  1--2.5%: 15 (33.3%)
#>  2.5--5%: 8 (17.8%)
#>  5--10%: 1 (2.22%)
#>  10--25%: 0 (0%)
#>  25--Inf%: 0 (0%)

It looks like we have no site pairs in the same grid cell, which is great. But we do have one site pair with a distance error of 5-10%, and another 23 pairs with errors of 1-5%. These aren’t huge errors but they’ll add some noise to our wind estimates. Let’s downscale our wind rose by a factor of 5, and then re-check our distance error rates:

rose <- downscale(rose, 5)
check_cell_distance(rose, sites)
#> Total point pairs: 45
#> Point pairs in the same grid cell: 0 (0%)
#> Distribution of cell-point distance discrepancies:
#>  0--1%: 43 (95.6%)
#>  1--2.5%: 2 (4.44%)
#>  2.5--5%: 0 (0%)
#>  5--10%: 0 (0%)
#>  10--25%: 0 (0%)
#>  25--Inf%: 0 (0%)

After downscaling, 96% of our site pairs now have distance discrepancies of less than 1%, and the other 4% all have discrepancies of less than 2.5% – probably an acceptable margin of error given all the other sources of uncertainty in a modeling analysis, and given the additional corrections used in least_cost_distance().

4: Building a wind graph

Next we need to create a wind_graph object using the wind_graph() function. Technically, a wind graph is a transitionLayer as defined in the gdistance package.

The only decision here is whether we want a downwind or upwind connectivity model. These are inversions of the same idea: the outbound (downwind) conductance from site A to site B is the same thing as the inbound (upwind) conductance arriving to site B from site A. The decision is not critical if the goal is to analyze flows among a set of sites, but if the goal is to create maps of the entire wind accessibility landscape for a single site, then the difference is more material. We’ll create a graph of each type here:

downwind <- wind_graph(rose, direction = "downwind")
upwind <- wind_graph(rose, direction = "upwind")
#> class      : wind_graph 
#> dimensions : 320, 480, 153600  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
#> resolution : 0.06315789, 0.06349206  (x, y)
#> extent     : -120.1579, -89.84211, 29.84127, 50.15873  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> crs        : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs 
#> values      : resistance 
#> matrix class: dgCMatrix

Estimating wind connectivity

The wind_graph we created above is our final wind connectivity model, and we can use it in various ways to estimate rates of wind transport among sites. This package supports two algorithms for calculating wind flows between sites: “least cost path” (LCP) and “random walk” (RW). Note that because wind inherently involves directional flow, wind connectivity has to be represented by a “directed cyclic” graph, which makes it impossible to use circuit theory-based algorithms that are commonly used in other landscape connectivity applications.

The LCP algorithm finds the fastest wind travel route across a landscape, based on the local connectivity between each cell and its neighbors. It is computationally efficient, and it represents the speed at which the first air particles would arrive at site after diffusing across the landscape from a given origin location, given certain assumptions.

The RW method instead runs a stepwise simulation. It is computationally much slower, but it captures the full distribution of particles diffusing in different directions rather than simply the speed of the first, fastest particle to reach a site.

Least cost path

Wind LCP calculations are handled through the least_cost_surface() and least_cost_distance() functions. Both functions calculate the same metric but for different data structures. For wind models constructed with trans = 1, they produce results in units of travel time between grid cells; otherwise they give relative measures with less interpretable units.

least_cost_surface() calculates the least cost distance between a set of user-defined sites (one or more point locations) and every grid cell across the region, producing a wall-to-wall raster of wind cost-distance; if an upwind model is used then the output represents travel times from a given grid cell to the focal site, whereas a downwind model will calculate travel times from the focal site to cells across the landscape. Here we’ll calculate both variants, and make maps of them:

site <- matrix(c(-105, 40), ncol = 2)
downwind_hrs <- least_cost_surface(downwind, site)
upwind_hrs <- least_cost_surface(upwind, site)

# restructure data and plot
d <- c(downwind_hrs, upwind_hrs) %>%
      setNames(c("downwind", "upwind")) %>% = T) %>%
      gather(direction, wind_hours, -x, -y)
ggplot(d) +
      facet_wrap(~direction) +
      geom_raster(aes(x, y, fill = wind_hours)) +
      geom_contour(aes(x, y, z = wind_hours), bins = 20, color = "white", linewidth = .25) +
      geom_point(data =, aes(V1, V2)) +
      coord_fixed(ratio = 1.2) +
      scale_fill_gradientn(colors = c("yellow", "red", "blue", "black")) +
      theme_void() +
      theme(legend.position = "top",
            strip.text = element_text(size=15))

In contrast, least_cost_distance() calculates wind travel times between every pair of sites in a user-specified set of locations. It returns an asymmetric matrix in which element [i,j] represents the cost-distance from the i’th to j’th site. Here we’ll calculate cost-distances among the 10 sites we defined above. These values represent hours of travel time, but if we had specified the argument rate = TRUE, they would represent would represent the inverse, wind flow rates per hour:

wind_time <- least_cost_distance(downwind, sites)
wind_time[1:5, 1:5]
#>           [,1]      [,2]     [,3]     [,4]      [,5]
#> [1,]       NaN  119.5523 379.1244 720.1041  519.7705
#> [2,]  403.0177       NaN 426.1965 599.9876  689.3432
#> [3,] 1172.0352  818.1965      NaN 539.9783  705.5348
#> [4,] 1404.3221 1057.7030 407.2637      NaN 1073.4969
#> [5,] 1076.2774 1038.5731 232.4783 719.9133       NaN

As discussed later in this document, these results can be used in downstream analyses, such as comparing them to ecological data from the same set of sites to assess the role of wind in structuring spatial biodiversity patterns.

Random walk

RW is implemented via the windscape function random_walk(). It involves an iterative computation, with “particle mass” diffusing from cells to their neighbors at each iteration, in proportion to local directional wind conductance.

To run a random walk simulation, we need to specify the initial conditions (the starting distribution of the particle mass), the number of iterations, and the simulation mode. As an example, let’s start with one unit of particle mass in a single central site and run a random walk for 900 iterations, recording the distribution of particle mass every 100 iterations. We’ll use the default mode = "pulse", which models the fleeting diffusion of the particle mass that is initially present. Plotting the result (with a red marker at the starting location), we see the cloud of particle mass drifting and spreading as the walk proceeds:

# create a cropped, non-downscaled wind rose so that example runs quickly
rose <- series %>% wind_rose() %>% crop(ext(.)/2)

# run the RW computation
walk <- random_walk(rose, init = site, iter = 600, record = seq(100, 600, 100))

# plot the results
walk %>% = T) %>%
      gather(layer, value, -x, -y) %>%
      mutate(layer = paste0(layer, " (", round(as.integer(str_remove(layer, "iter")) * iter_length(walk)), " hours", ")"),
             layer = factor(layer, levels = unique(layer))) %>%
      ggplot(aes(x, y, fill = value)) +
      geom_raster() +
      annotate(geom = "point", x = site[1], y = site[2], color = "red", size = .5) +
      facet_wrap(~layer, nrow = 2) +
      scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "sqrt") +
      theme_minimal() +
      labs(fill = "mass", x = NULL, y = NULL)

The amount of simulated time represented by each iteration will vary depending on the data; it is computed internally to maximize the ratio of simulation time to computational processing time, and can be accessed by calling iter_length() on the random walk output. In our case, one iteration is 1.82 hours, so our full simulation represents 1094 hours. (It only represents actual clock time if you use a conductance value of trans = 1 when creating the wind rose; otherwise, it represents a relative measure of diffusion speed with less interpretable units.)

Our simulation tracked the fleeting diffusion of the initial “pulse” of particle mass, most of which will eventually leave the modeling domain after enough iterations. Alternatively, we could have specified mode = "ratchet" to run a propagating simulation in which local particle mass never declines, continuing to transmit mass at the cumulative maximum rate. This is equivalent to simulating continued input of the initial particle mass at every iteration. Compared to the “pulse” mode, this option may be more useful in modeling a biological process where particles are continually released or can propagate locally after colonization.

Testing statistical relationships

The windscape library also provides a set of utilities for testing statistical relationships between wind connectivity results and data representing other ecological features of the same landscape. These functions are intended for working with pairwise wind connectivity estimates among a set of sites, such as the wind_time data we generated in the “least cost path” example above.

We’ll work with those results here. Let’s imagine the ten sites represent the locations of populations where landscape genetic data were sampled. There are various measures of landscape genetic relationships among sites we could calculate using other software, including estimates of directional gene flow, genetic differentiation, and genetic diversity. Let’s look at how to test relationships between wind travel times and each of these genetic patterns.

Statistical significance is calculated based on the widely-used partial Mantel test. The windscape library provides a mantel_test() function that allows distance matrices with different upper and lower triangles, and allows multiple control variables, a combination of features that is key for our purposes and isn’t possible in Mantel test implementations in other R packages. The pairwise_means() and pairwise_ratios() functions refactor the data to help test different hypotheses.

In the example below, we’ll test how wind flow, wind speed, and wind asymmetry relate to a hypothetical genetic data set (see here for details on these hypotheses). Because the genetic data are generated randomly in this example, the results are not significant. Here we’ll use geographic distances as a control variable; in other cases, you might want to use variables like environmental differences or non-wind dispersal influences as controls.

# pairwise geographic distance between sites,
# for use as a control variable in the partial Mantel tests
distance <- point_distance(sites)

# test correlation between wind flow and gene flow, controlling for distance
n <- nrow(sites)
gene_flow <- matrix(runif(n^2), n) # simulate random gene flow data
r <- mantel_test(wind_time, gene_flow, z = list(distance))

# test correlation between bidirectional wind connectivity and genetic isolation,
# controlling for distance
gene_dist <- matrix(runif(n^2), n) # simulate random genetic differentiation data
wind_conn <- pairwise_means(wind_time) # convert to symmetric matrix
r <- mantel_test(wind_conn, gene_dist, z = list(distance))

# test correlation between wind asymmetry and gene flow asymmetry
# (no distance control is needed for a test of reciprocally symmetric matrices)
wind_asym <- pairwise_ratios(wind_time) # convert to asymmetry matrix
gene_asym <- pairwise_ratios(gene_flow) # convert to asymmetry matrix
r <- mantel_test(wind_asym, gene_asym)

# test correlation between wind asymmetry and genetic diversity asymmetry
diversity <- runif(n) # simulated diversity for each population
div_asym <- pairwise_ratios(diversity) # pairwise diversity ratios
r <- mantel_test(wind_asym, div_asym)

#> List of 4
#>  $ stat    : num 0.219
#>  $ quantile: num 0.776
#>  $ p.value : num 0.448
#>  $ perm    : num [1:999] -0.292 -0.273 0.505 -0.239 -0.188 ...