Curriculum vitae

bay trees

[download CV as PDF]

  • Ph.D. (2020) Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley. [NSF Graduate Research Fellow; Berkeley Fellow; NSF NRT Data Science Fellow]
  • B.A. (2005) Conservation Biology & Environmental Studies, Middlebury College
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Gund Institute for the Environment, and Postdoctoral researcher, Dept of Biology, University of Vermont (2021-present)
  • Postdoctoral scholar, Ackerly Lab, UC Berkeley (2020-2021)
  • Graduate Student Instructor, UC Berkeley (2019-2020)
  • Consultant in Global Change Biology, NatureServe (2015-2019)
  • Bioclimate Analyst, NatureServe (2013-2015)
  • Science Analyst, Brighter Planet (2008-2013)
  • Supervisory Biologist, Institute for Wildlife Studies (2007-2008)
  • Canid Ecology Crew Leader, Yellowstone Ecological Research Center (2005-2006)
  • Plant Ecology Technician, US Geological Survey (2005)
  • Ungulate Ecology Technician, National Park Service (2005)
  • Environmental Intern, Administracion Ambiental Cooperativa Chilena (2004)
  • Research Assistant, USDA National Wildlife Research Center (2002)
  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2015-2020; $102,000 + tuition)
  • Berkeley Fellowship (2015-2020; $60,000 + tuition)
  • NSF National Research Trainee (Data Science for the 21st Century program)
  • USGS-NatureServe EcoInforma student app award (2015; $2000 travel)
  • EPA Apps for the Environment (2011; National runner-up)
  • Departmental High Honors & Magna Cum Laude, Middlebury College (2005)
  • Deng, J.Y., R.H. Fu, S. Compton, C. Yuan, M. Kling, X.Y. Chen, Y.B. Song, K. Jiang, M. Liu, J. Greeff, and Y. Chen. (2025) Wind direction and strength determine the genetic structure of an insect-pollinated plant across heterogeneous landscape. Journal of Biogeography [in press].
  • Kling, M., I. Gónzalez-Ramírez, B. Carter, I. Borokini, B. Mishler. (2024) Spatial Phylogenetics with Continuous Data: an Application to California Bryophytes. bioRxiv 2024-12 [web]
  • Kling, M., C. Brittain, G. Galford, T. Waring, L. Hébert-Dufresne, M. Dube, H. Sabzian, N. Gotelli, B. McGill, and M. Niles. (2024) Innovations through crop switching happen on the diverse margins of US agriculture. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(42) [web]
  • Hébert-Dufresne, L., M. Kling, S. Rosenblatt, S. Miller, P. Burnham, N. Landry, N. Gotelli, and B. McGill. (2024) Stochastic diffusion using mean-field limits to approximate master equations. arXiv preprint: arXiv:2408.07755 [web]
  • Kling, M., K. Baer, and D. Ackerly. (2024) A tree’s view of the terrain: downscaling bioclimate variables to high resolution using a novel multi-level species distribution model. Ecography: e07131 [web]
  • Jon, A., J. Olden, M. Oldfather, M. Kling, and D. Ackerly. (2024) Topography influences diurnal and seasonal microclimate fluctuations in hilly terrain environments of coastal California. PLoS ONE 19(3): e0300378 [web]
  • Waring, T., M. Niles, M. Kling, S. Miller, L. Hébert-Dufresne, HS. Papi, N. Gotelli, and B. McGill. (2023) Operationalizing cultural adaptation to climate change: contemporary examples from United States agriculture. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 378(20220397) [web]
  • Kling, M., and D. Ackerly. (2021) Global wind patterns shape genetic differentiation, asymmetric gene flow, and genetic diversity in trees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(17) [web]
  • Skelton, R., L. Anderegg, J. Diaz, M. Kling, P. Papper, L. Lamarque, S. Delzon, T. Dawson, and D. Ackerly. (2021) Evolutionary relationships between drought-related traits and climate shaped large hydraulic safety margins in North American oaks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(10) [web]
  • Kling, M., and D. Ackerly. (2020) Global wind patterns and the vulnerability of wind-dispersed species to climate change. Nature Climate Change, 10: 868-875 [web, pdf]
  • Ackerly, D., M. Kling, M. Clark, P. Papper, M. Oldfather, A. Flint and L. Flint. Topoclimates and Biotic Responses to Climate Change: Which locations on the landscape will be most sensitive? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18(5): 288–297 [web, pdf]
  • Stevens, J., M. Kling, D. Schwilk, M. Varner, and J. Kane. Biogeography of fire regimes in western US conifer forests: a trait-based approach. (2020) Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29: 944-955. [web, pdf]
  • Kling, M., S. Auer, P. Comer, D. Ackerly, and H. Hamilton. (2020) Multiple axes of ecological vulnerability to climate change. Global Change Biology, 26: 2798-2813. [web, pdf]
  • Oldfather, M., M. Kling, S. Sheth, N. Emery, and D. Ackerly. (2019) Range Edges in Heterogeneous Landscapes: Incorporating Realistic Landscapes into Range Dynamics. Global Change Biology, 26: 1055-1067. [web, pdf]
  • Comer, P., J. Hak, M. Reid, S. Auer, K. Schulz, H. Hamilton, R. Smyth, and M. Kling. (2019) Habitat Climate Change Vulnerability Index Applied to Major Vegetation Types of the Western Interior United States. Land 8(7): 108. [web, pdf]
  • Skelton, R., Anderegg, L., Papper, P., Dawson, T., Kling, M., Thompson, S., Diaz, J., Reich, E., and D. Ackerly. (2019) No local adaptation in leaf or stem xylem vulnerability to embolism, but consistent vulnerability segmentation in a North American oak. New Phytologist 223(3): 1296-1306. [web]
  • Daru, B., M. Kling, E. Meineke, and A. van Wyk. (2019) Temperature controls phenology in continuously flowering Protea species of subtropical Africa. Applications in Plant Sciences. [web, pdf]
  • Kling, M., B. Mishler, B. Baldwin, A. Thornhill, and D. Ackerly (2018). Facets of phylodiversity: evolutionary diversification, divergence, and survival as conservation targets. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374: 20170397. [web, pdf]
  • Morueta-Holme, N., M. Oldfather, R. Olliff-Yang, A. Weitz, C. Levine, M. Kling, E. Riordan, C. Merow, S. Sheth, A. Thornhill, and D. Ackerly (2018). Best practices for reporting climate data in ecology. Nature Climate Change 8: 92-94. [web, pdf]
  • Thornhill, A., B. Baldwin, W. Freyman, S. Nosratinia, M. Kling, N. Morueta-Holme, T. Madsen, D. Ackerly, and B. Mishler (2017). Spatial phylogenetics of the native California flora. BCM Biology 15(1): 96. [web, pdf]
  • Hammerson, G., M. Kling, M. Harkness, M. Ormes, and B. Young (2017). Strong geographic and temporal patterns in the conservation status of North American bats. Biological Conservation 212: 144-152. [web, pdf]
  • Baldwin, B., A. Thornhill, W. Freyman, D. Ackerly, M. Kling, N. Morueta-Holme, and B. Mishler (2017). Species richness and endemism in the native flora of California. American Journal of Botany, 104(3): 487–501. [web, pdf]
  • Sterner, R., M. Kling, S. Schwiff, and D. Slate (2003). Oral rabies vaccination: reducing economic uncertainty via response surface analysis. Proceedings of the 10th Wildlife Damage Management Conference (K. Fagerstone, G. Witmer, Eds).
  • ggcube [R package]. 3D plotting extension for ggplot2. M. Kling (2025).
  • Seeds of Change [Shiny app]. Decision support tool for ecological restoration efforts, incorporating species distributions, climate change, and soils. M. Kling and P. Gonzalez (2024).
  • deranged [R package]. Demographic RANGE modeling with Rispersal: tools for mechanistic, spatially-explicit, environmentally-dependent species range simulation. M. Kling (2024).
  • colors3d [R package]. Data visualization functions to generate two-dimensional and three-dimensional color gradient legends. M. Kling (2023).
  • spatialphy [R package]. Toolkit for spatial phylogenetic analyses including alpha and beta phylodiversity metrics, phylo-regionalization, and conservation prioritization. M. Kling (2022).
  • windscape [R package]. Software for modeling landscape connectivity by wind, and testing statistical relationships between wind and ecological patterns. M. Kling (2021).
  • Windsheds [Shiny app]. Interactive visualization of wind connectivity landscapes. M. Kling (2020).
  • hydro [R package]. Functions for computing climatic water balance variables such as actual evapotranspiration and climatic water deficit. M. Kling (2019).
  • Ombrothermy [Shiny app]. Interactive global visualization of seasonal climate patterns. M. Kling (2019).
  • CAPPA [Shiny app]. The California Plant Phylodiversity Atlas: an interface for exploring the biogeography, evolutionary relationships, and conservation status of California’s 5000+ native plant species. M. Kling (2018).
  • Kling, M. (2022, Feb). Whither, whence, and whether: modeling the ability of plant biodiversity to track climate change. UVM Plant Biology department seminar, Burlington, Vermont.
  • Kling, M. (2021, Nov). Emigrate, Evolve, Endure, or go Extinct: climate change vulnerability modeling in biogeography. UVM Biology department seminar, Burlington, Vermont.
  • Kling, M. (2021, Jun). Windscape connectivity modeling for biogeography. BEYOND seminar series, INRAE, Avignon, France.
  • Kling, M. (2019, Dec). California plant conservation gaps: an evolutionary perspective. Mary Bowerman Science & Research Colloquium, Berkeley, California.
  • Kling, M. (2019, Dec). Winds of change: global wind patterns and the resilience of biodiversity to climate change. Carnegie Institution at Stanford, Palo Alto, California.
  • Kling, M. (2019, Oct). California plant conservation gaps: an evolutionary perspective. Half-Earth Day symposium, Berkeley, California.
  • Kling, M. (2019, Sep). Seeds of change: climate-smart seed collection for ecological restoration. Bay Area National Park Science Symposium, San Francisco, California.
  • Kling, M. (2019, May). Save the trees: informing conservation planning with multiple facets of phylodiversity. Hennig XXXVIII symposium, Berkeley, California.
  • Kling, M. S. Brown, A. Harvey, and P. Gonzalez (2019, May). Seeds of change: climate-smart seed provenancing for ecological restoration. US National Park Service workshop, San Francisco, California.
  • Kling, M., B. Mishler, B. Baldwin, A. Thornhill, and D. Ackerly (2018, Sep). Future conservation priorities for the California flora: weighing alternative dimensions of evolutionary diversity. Botany Lunch seminar series, Berkeley, California.
  • Kling, M., K. Baer, and D. Ackerly (2022, Aug). Plant communities as microclimate sensors: a new approach to climate downscaling using North American trees as bioindicators. Talk presented at Ecological Society of America, Montreal, Quebec.
  • Kling, M. and D. Ackerly (2020, Aug). Isolation by wind: wind connectivity shapes the landscape genetics of the world’s forests. Talk presented at Ecological Society of America, virtual conference.
  • Kling, M., H. Hamilton, D. Ackerly, P. Comer, and S. Auer (2020, Jul). Dimensions of climate change vulnerability and their management implications. Talk presented at North American Congress for Conservation Biology, virtual conference.
  • Kling, M. and D. Ackerly (2019, Jul). Winds of change: wind connectivity, gene flow, and climate adaptation in trees. Talk presented at Species on the Move, Kruger, South Africa.
  • Kling, M., B. Mishler, B. Baldwin, A. Thornhill, and D. Ackerly (2018, Jul). Conserving the evolutionary diversity of the California flora. Talk presented at North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Toronto, Canada.
  • Kling, M., B. Mishler, B. Baldwin, A. Thornhill, and D. Ackerly (2018, Jun). Future priorities for conserving the evolutionary diversity of the California flora. Talk presented at the Digital Data in Biodiversity Research Conference, Berkeley, CA.
  • Kling, M. (2016, Dec). Multidecadal historic trends in California’s coastal fog. Poster presented at American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. [pdf]
  • Kling, M., E. Burns, P. Cowan, and H. Hamilton (2016, Sept). The coast redwood climate envelope: 20th-century trends across space and time. Talk presented at Coast Redwood Science Symposium, Eureka, CA.
  • Kling, M., M. Fernandez, and H. Hamilton (2014, Jul). Spatiotemporal patterns in greater sage-grouse exposure to recent climate change. Talk presented at Society for Conservation GIS Conference, Monterey, CA.
  • Kling, M., M. Fernandez, and H. Hamilton (2014, Jun). The biogeography of recent climate change in coast redwood ecosystems. Poster presented at Smithsonian Botanical Symposium, Washington, DC.
  • [Co-authored talks]
  • EcoAdapt (2014, multiple authors). A Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Resources of Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests. Version 3.0. EcoAdapt, Bainbridge Island, WA.
  • Bureau of Land Management (2014, multiple authors). Madrean Archipeligo Rapid Ecoloregional Assessment. US BLM, Washington, DC.
  • Kling, M. and I. Hough (2012). Hotel carbon and energy efficiency: chain rankings, industry trends, efficiency drivers, market patterns. Brighter Planet, Inc. White paper, 21 pages.
  • Kling, M. and I. Hough (2011). Air travel carbon and energy efficiency: case studies, best practices, industry trends, airline rankings. Brighter Planet, Inc. White paper, 25 pages, presented at the 2012 Conference of the Institute for Computational Sustainability, Copenhagen, Denmark. [pdf]
  • Kling, M. and I. Hough (2011). Employee Engagement in Sustainability. Brighter Planet, Inc. White paper, 38 pages.
  • Kling, M. and I. Hough (2010). The American carbon foodprint: understanding your food’s impact on climate change. Brighter Planet, Inc. White paper, 19 pages. [pdf]
  • Kling, M. (2003). The ecophysiology of alpine treeline: spatial patterns in balsam fir (Abies balsamea) growth and water relations on Mount Abraham, Vermont. Senior thesis presented for departmental high honors, Conservation Biology/Environmental Studies, Middlebury College.
  • Ecological Society of America
  • International Biogeography Society
  • American Geophysical Union
  • Society for Conservation Biology
  • Society for Conservation GIS
  • Biological Conservation
  • Conservation Science & Practice
  • Diversity & Distributions
  • Global Change Biology
  • Global Ecology & Biogeography
  • Heredity
  • Journal of Biogeography
  • Landscape Ecology
  • PeerJ
  • Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: B
  • PLOS One
  • PNAS