[R PACKAGE] An R package for modeling wind dispersal landscapes.
I work a lot with wind data as part of my research exploring how biodiversity is shaped by the effects of global wind patterns on the dispersal of seeds, pollen, and spores between sites. windscape
is an R package I developed that provides a set of tools for conducting analyses like these. It includes functions to help you download wind data, model wind connectivity times across a landscape, visualize the results, and test statistical relationships between wind and ecological data.
The package handles directional wind flow through “directed cyclic” graph structures, making it particularly suitable for modeling asymmetric connectivity patterns that can’t be addressed with traditional circuit theory approaches.
is designed for researchers studying:
This framework has been used in my published research on global wind patterns and their effects on genetic differentiation, gene flow, and climate change vulnerability in trees.
This R package also underlies the WINDSCAPE web app, a little interactive web tool I built that models and visualizes the wind dispersal landscape, or windscape, for any location on earth. You just click the map to select a site, choose between “inbound” (upwind) or “outbound” (downwind) dispersal, and voila: a global map of relative accessibility by wind.
The package is available on GitHub and can be installed with devtools::install_github("matthewkling/windscape")